Ballet Chicago Dancer Photo Shoot in Downtown Chicago

As the official photographer of Ballet Chicago, I’ve been very fortunate to work with many amazing dancers the last seven or eight years that I have been with them. My favorite dancer from Ballet Chicago — am I allowed to say that? <insert smiley face with cool shades> is Dana Coons, a truly gifted and amazing ballerina. She is as sweet of a person as she is a talented dancer.

This was our second Urban Portrait Series shoot over the years that I did exclusively with her. It’s my favorite session of all time as we created so many stunning poster-worthy images.

My style in doing these Urban Portrait Series might be a bit different from other photographers. I don’t like to have a plan. I like to walk around with the dancer and simply find images. I collaborate with them, giving them as much or as little direction as they need. Some dancers like me to be their choreographers. Others, like Dana, like to collaborate on the look. I explain the setting, I usually tell them if I want a horizontal or vertical look, and then we go to work. I like it when they experiment, try different things until I know that we have the image. Then we’re done, and we move on to the next setting.

The shots below are the shots we took in order that day. We started at Millennium Park in downtown Chicago, then worked our way over to the Riverwalk. This was the day I discovered the building across from the Harris Theater that had reflective glass walls. To be honest, the lighting from the sun has to be perfect for these reflection shots to work. I’ve been there several times since, and the light has never been the same.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t like to plan my shots, and one of the reasons my sessions are always different. I’m not a cookie-cutter sort of photographer who simply does the same images over and over again, with new subjects.

I was so excited about 5 or 6 images from the reflection wall. It was like I felt we could end the session then and there, and it would be an amazing success. We walked maybe 50 feet and I stopped. There was this long walkway with a red building at the end. The lighting direction was perfect. The distance was perfect. I simply told Dana I wanted horizontal shots with her on the ground, and she created these amazing poses. That was when I knew this was going to be a special session.

We came up with more stunning images along the Chicago Riverwalk and then on and around the LaSalle Street Bridge over the Chicago River.

Take a look at the images below and if you’re considering a photo shoot in Millennium Park or along the Riverwalk, these images are a wonderful representation of what we could possibly create together.

You can call me at 312-613-0674 with questions or to schedule a session. You can reach me by email at

Beth McKinney