Senior Portrait Session in Chicago South Suburbs

I knew Emma as a competitive dancer, but when her Mom called me to schedule her senior portraits, they wanted to focus just on her and not so much her dance.

We did the shoot in November, so a lot of the foliage was already gone, and there wasn’t so much fall color either. And it was a mid-day shoot on a bright sunny day — and that means I’m limited in the direction I can photograph.

You just don’t want your subject to be facing the sun during mid-day. It brings in a shot of shadows on the face, and they tend to squint when they’re facing the sun. Sure, I’ve got a light that can fill in the shadows, but I prefer to keep things as natural as possible.

We found a forest preserve with a couple of lakes/ponds that would work perfectly for us, and then we found these other buildings in a very very small village center.

Down below, you can see some of the sample shots that I took. I’m including some black and white images, which I don’t normally do. But some of these images simply spoke to me like that. The first gallery will be those in color, and then down below them will be the black and white images.

Contact us at or 224-288-3076 with any questions or to schedule your photo session.

I don’t usually convert images to black and white, but some of these images spoke to me in that way. So down below are the images I converted to black and white.

Beth McKinney