Creative Concepts
One of the things I really enjoying doing as a photographer is coming up with innovative and creative concepts, and then finding a way to make them happen either in the camera or with post-production editing.
I often photograph my subjects in my studio or on location and then place them in a new environment, and I often add new elements to the image to give it some creative punch.
These concepts work well with dancers and athletes, and all types of portraits.
One of my favorite projects was due to a senior ambassador asking to recreate the Marilyn Monroe 7 Year Itch promotional photo by Sam Shaw where Marilyn’s dress is blown up over a subway vent on a New York City sidewalk. I contacted Sam’s family and they gave me permission to edit my senior into the pic. We did the shoot in my studio, and you can see the result below.
I also do rain and color powder sessions three times a year in my studio, silk fabric shoots in the studio, projection shoots, and smoke bomb shoots out on location.
Take a look below at my creative shots and contact me at 312-613-0674 or if you have an idea that you want to create.